tc=''; document.write(tc); tc='
'; tc+='
'; document.write(tc); tc=""; tc+=''; tc+='
'; tc+='
'; tc+='

To book an MOT, click an available day, then choose a timeslot from those available.

'; tc+='
'; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+='
Tue 21/05/2024
5 slots free
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Wed 22/05/2024
5 slots free
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Thu 23/05/2024
10 slots free
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Fri 24/05/2024
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Sat 25/05/2024
4 slots free
'; tc+=''; tc+=''; tc+='
Tue 28/05/2024
6 slots free
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Wed 29/05/2024
12 slots free
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Thu 30/05/2024
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Fri 31/05/2024
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Sat 01/06/2024
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Mon 03/06/2024
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Tue 04/06/2024
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Wed 05/06/2024
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Thu 06/06/2024
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Fri 07/06/2024
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Sat 08/06/2024
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Mon 10/06/2024
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Tue 11/06/2024
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Wed 12/06/2024
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Fri 14/06/2024
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Sat 15/06/2024
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Mon 17/06/2024
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Tue 18/06/2024
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Wed 19/06/2024
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Thu 20/06/2024
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Fri 21/06/2024
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Sat 22/06/2024
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Tue 25/06/2024
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Fri 28/06/2024
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Sat 29/06/2024
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Mon 01/07/2024
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'; tc+='
Tue 02/07/2024
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Wed 03/07/2024
12 slots free
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Thu 04/07/2024
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'; tc+='
Fri 05/07/2024
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Sat 06/07/2024
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Mon 08/07/2024
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'; tc+='
'; tc+='
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'; tc+='
'; document.write(tc); function ShowMyDay(a) { if(di('DayData_'+a).style.display != "none") { return false; } for(i=1;i<60;i++) { $('#DayData_'+i).slideUp(300); di('Day_'+i).style.backgroundColor='white'; di('Book_'+i).innerHTML=""; } $('#DayData_'+a).slideDown(300); di('Day_'+a).style.backgroundColor='#fffde3'; } window.motwait=1; window.morework=0; function CancelThis(a) { di('Book_'+a).innerHTML=""; } function BookIn(a,b,c,d,e) { if(b=="0") { di('Book_'+e).innerHTML='
Timeslot busy. Please choose an alternative.
'; } else { //di('Book_'+e).innerHTML='
Confirm '+a+'
'; BookInStep2(a,b,c,d,e); } } function BookInStep2(a,b,c,d,e) { location.href="#TopJava"; window.rampno=d; window.booktime=a; window.booktime2=a; window.sqltime=c; window.bookwhere="CUSTOMIZED CHOPPERS"; $('#Slots').fadeOut(300,function(){$('#BookingInfo').fadeIn(300);}); di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - Confirm the date & time below:

Book in for '+a+'?
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; //$('#MainPop').fadeTo('slow',0.2); //0'#PopupP').fadeIn(500); di('BookingInfo').style.display="block"; } function BackToSlots() { $('#BookingInfo').fadeOut(300,function(){$('#Slots').fadeIn(300);}); } function Yes(a) { $('#BookingInfo').fadeOut(300,function(){ window.booktime=a; window.bookwhere="CUSTOMIZED CHOPPERS"; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - Waiting with or Leaving your vehicle:

Are you leaving your vehicle or waiting with it?
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; $('#BookingInfo').fadeIn(300); }); } function Leave(a) { window.motwait=0; window.booktime=a; window.bookwhere="CUSTOMIZED CHOPPERS"; $('#BookingInfo').fadeOut(300,function(){ di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - Just so you know:

Please drop your vehicle off at appx 9am on the day.
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; $('#BookingInfo').fadeIn(300); }); } function AddJobs(a) { window.morework=0; User(a); return false; window.booktime=a; window.bookwhere="CUSTOMIZED CHOPPERS"; $('#BookingInfo').fadeOut(300,function(){ di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - Additional work:

Do you just want an MOT, or is there additional work you would like us to do?
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; $('#BookingInfo').fadeIn(300); }); } function MoreWork(a) { window.booktime=a; window.morework=1; window.bookwhere="CUSTOMIZED CHOPPERS"; $('#BookingInfo').fadeOut(300,function(){ di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - Additional work:

What work would you like?
NB: We will contact you to confirm the work and provide confirmed prices.
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; $('#BookingInfo').fadeIn(300); }); } function User(a) { window.booktime=a; window.bookwhere="CUSTOMIZED CHOPPERS"; opt=""; d=window.vehicletypes.split(','); for(i=0;i'+d[i]+''; } GenericMsg=""; if(GenericMsg != ""){GenericMsg='
";} $('#BookingInfo').fadeOut(300,function(){ di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - About you and your vehicle:

Your booking information:

About your vehicle:

Would you like to receive free MOT reminders in the future?
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; $('#BookingInfo').fadeIn(300); }); } function BookMeIn(a) { if(window.morework == "1") { if(di('myjob').value == ""){di('myjob').style.borderColor="red";return false;} urlsend='/modules/'+encodeURIComponent(a)+'&wait='+window.motwait+'&jobs='+encodeURIComponent(di('myjob').value); } else { urlsend='/modules/'+encodeURIComponent(a)+'&wait='+window.motwait; } mn=di('mn').value; mn=mn.replace(" ",""); vr=di('vr').value; vr=vr.replace(" ",""); if(di('fn').value == ""){alert('First name must be entered');return false;} if(di('sn').value == ""){alert('Surname must be entered');return false;} if(vr == ""){alert('Registration must be entered');return false;} if(di('vt').value == ""){alert('Please select your vehicle type');return false;} if(mn == ""){alert('Mobile no. must be entered');return false;} if(mn.length != "11"){alert('Mobile no. is invalid.');return false;} mc=mn.split(''); if(mc[0] != "0" || mc[1] != "7") { if(di('mrm').value == ""){alert('Your mobile number was entered incorrectly');return false;} } if(di('mrm').value == ""){alert('Please select whether you want free MOT reminders in the future');return false;} fn=encodeURIComponent(di('fn').value); sn=encodeURIComponent(di('sn').value);09 vr=encodeURIComponent(vr); vt=encodeURIComponent(di('vt').value); mn=encodeURIComponent(mn); bt=encodeURIComponent(window.sqltime); rems=encodeURIComponent(di('mrm').value); ft=encodeURIComponent(window.booktime2); di('rn2').innerHTML=vr; di('rn3').innerHTML=vr; $('#BookingInfo').fadeOut(300,function(){ di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - Confirming your appointment:

Confirming with garage, one moment...
'; $('#BookingInfo').fadeIn(300); }); key='17-987w54-soiubs0r780bu0erwgh49009f09f8g09bndorlfs-89048f'; urlsend='//'+key+'&ramp='+window.rampno+'&fn='+fn+'&sn='+sn+'&vr='+vr+'&vt='+vt+'&ft='+ft+'&mn='+mn+'&bt='+bt+'&wait='+window.motwait+'&rems='+rems; //alert(urlsend); //di('dump').innerHTML=urlsend;return false; jQuery.ajax({ url:urlsend, dataType: "jsonp", crossDomain: true, success: function (data) { parseresults(data); }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { alert(xhr.status + ' & ' + ajaxOptions + ' & ' + thrownError); } }); //ajaxpage(url,'nuldiv','','BookIn'); } function parseresults(data) { //data.items[0].snippet.title //alert(data.details); if(data.reply == "busy") { di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - A problem occured.

We are really sorry!
Somebody else has just booked this time and date.

When you click Continue, the booking slots will be reloaded with up to date times available so you can choose an alternative.
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; return false; } if(data.reply == "booked") { di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - Provisionally booked!

Congratulations, your MOT is provisionally booked.
Once the garage has acknowledged the booking, you will receive a confirmation text to your mobile.
'; return false; } if(data.reply == "error") { di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - A problem occured.

Something went wrong!
We could not make the booking as an error occured. The team have been notified. You can try again by refreshing the page otherwise you will have to make a telephone booking.
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; return false; } if(data.reply == "failed") { di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - A problem occured.

Something went wrong!
We could not make the booking as an error occured. The team have been notified. You can try again by refreshing the page otherwise you will have to make a telephone booking.
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; return false; } if(data.reply == "banned") { di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - A problem occured.

Unfortunately this vehicle cannot be booked online.
Please call the garage and make a telephone booking.
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; return false; } if(data.reply == "exists") { di('ts').innerHTML=data.details; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - An appointment is already booked!

Vehicle already booked in!
This vehicle is already booked in on:


If you need to change this date, please contact us by telephone.
'; //di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; return false; } //alert(data.result_b); //alert(data.confirmed); } function NoBook(a) { di('BookingInfo').innerHTML='

Your Appointment - The timeslot was taken.

This time slot is no longer available. It may have been booked by somebody else a few moments ago. Please choose another.
'; di('BookingInfo').innerHTML+='
'; } function ClosePopupP() { di('PopupP').style.display="none"; }